Lees-top 10: De strategische case voor machine learning en RPA

1. The Strategic Case for RPA and Machine Learning in Finance, Part 1
Even after the machine-based computers came online, humans were still very much part of the equation, utilizing their skills to define the right theories and strategies.
2. The Secret Ingredients of ‘Superforecasting’
Data from a political predictions tournament are starting to yield insights into the main drivers of forecasting excellence – and how to cultivate it.
3. Answering society’s call: A new leadership imperative
Society’s expectations for business are rising. Customers—particularly younger ones—want to know what the companies they engage with are doing for, with, and to the world. Nine in ten Generation Z consumers believe that companies have a responsibility to address environmental and social issues. Younger people think that environmentally and socially focused companies are better prospective employers, and the vast majority say they would be more loyal to companies aligned with those values.
4. ‘A new breed of CFO emerging’
“CFOs are expected to be ‘visionaries’, using data to make intelligent decisions, in order to drive digital transformation in their organisation. For this to become a reality, it has to be easier for leaders to act upon data at speed. They need tools that will empower them to use their skills and experience in a much more compelling way.” – Sally Gill, Sage.
5. If You Don't Listen to These 5 Podcasts, You Might as Well Just Go Back to That Boring Day Job
If you're committed to learning and growing, you simply must have these podcasts in your regular playlist.
6. 6 tips to avoid perfectionism and get things done
On the surface, perfectionism can seem like a noble pursuit. But in reality, perfectionist tendencies will have you working harder with relatively little payoff. You can pour hours into a project, tinkering with inane details until it’s perfect, but when you look up, you may find the prime window for unveiling the new product or strategy has passed you by. In short, pursuing perfect is often painful and unproductive.
7. How to build an Excel model for revising forecasts
With a little algebra and a lot of flexibility, spreadsheet builders can set up a forecasting model that handles simultaneous changes in multiple parameters.
8. Beyond the Rubicon: Asset management in an era of unrelenting change
North American asset managers face unprecedented challenges. In order for the industry’s position to stay the same—earning premium growth, profitability, and valuation—everything will need to change.
9. New Top Concern for Internal Audit: Data Governance
Risks related to data management push cybersecurity preparedness out of the lead on the list of worries for chief audit executives: Gartner.
10. Year-End Reviews Are a Waste of Time and Money. Here's What You Should Do Instead
Industry giants like Adobe, General Electric, and Accenture have given up formal annual reviews in favor of providing feedback throughout the year, and startups around the country have followed suit–but is that as effective? Inc. asked Deena Fox, founder and CEO of Brightfox, an HR software and platform that helps companies manage their talent, and Rachel Drori, founder and CEO of Daily Harvest, a frozen-meal company that delivers fresh, healthy meals to those without time to cook, to weigh in on the best way to give feedback.