Lees top 10: accounting en sales, partners of tegenstrevers?

1. Management accounting and sales: partners or foes?
Experts say there’s more than one way to improve the connection between the accounting and sales teams within an organisation. However it’s done, it’s vitally important to business success.
2. Decision making in the age of urgency
Decision making takes up a lot of time, much of it used ineffectively. New survey results offer lessons for making quick, high-quality decisions that support outperformance.
3. The CFOs guide to achieving IFRS 17 compliance
IFRS 17 is arguably the most significant change to insurance accounting that has ever taken place. The standard requires insurance CFOs to produce new financial reporting and will challenge their ability to explain the business clearly to investors, boards, regulators and other stakeholders.
4. Performance management in agile organizations
The evidence is clear: a small number of priority practices make the difference between an effective and fair performance-management approach and one that falls short. Organizations that link employee goals to business priorities, invest in managers’ capabilities, and differentiate rewards for the extremes of performance are 84 percent more likely to have performance-management approaches that their employees perceive and recognize as being fair.
5. 5 Ways the SEC Wants to Improve Financial Reporting
In a recent speech, the SEC’s Wesley Bricker focused on the audit industry and the growing investor skepticism towards audit firms. Chief Accountant of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Wesley Bricker highlighted ten ongoing areas the agency is emphasizing to improve financial reporting.
6. Can AI Nudge Us to Make Better Choices?
The behavioral revolution in economics was triggered by a simple, haunting question: what if people don’t act rationally? This same question now vexes the technology field. In the online world, once expected to be a place of ready information and easy collaboration, lies and hate can spread faster than truth and kindness. Corporate systems, too, elicit irrational behavior…
7. If You Say Yes to Any of These 7 Questions, Science Says You're Much Happier Than You Think
Sometimes comparisons are useful — but not where feelings of happiness and fulfillment are concerned. Look hard enough and you can always find someone who seems happier, especially if your yardstick is other people's carefully curated social media lives. So stop comparing. Just focus on you. Then look for these signs that you are happier than you might think — and that you can leverage to be even happier
8. Metric of the Month: Formal Succession Planning Lacking
Succession plans help organizations develop and retain key talent, increase engagement, diversify the pool of potential leaders, and mitigate risk with respect to key positions in leadership and operations. Strong succession planning is critical for any organization because in life there are truly no guarantees. Superstar leaders in your organization might move into new positions or become too ill to work. In addition, many organizations are already reckoning with a wave of Baby Boomer retirements that could potentially spell disaster. Organizations with strong succession plans are prepared for whatever might come — are you?
9. What Are The 9 Most Successful Business Models Of Today?
If you’re leading a company – whether it’s small or large, a brand-new start-up or an established business – you’ll need to understand the latest business models and assess how they might apply to your company. That’s why I’ve picked some of the most successful business models for 2019 and beyond. Let’s take a look.
10. What’s Stopping Boards from Taking Action on Sustainability?
Boards need to look past the low-hanging fruit and start making tough decisions. With the 2020 target dates of the Unilever Sustainable Living Plan (USLP) fast approaching, and the recent departure of sustainability champion Paul Polman as CEO, it will be interesting to see whether the firm can maintain its profits and reputation for sustainability excellence under the leadership of Alan Jope.