Lees-top 10: Boosting Change Readiness

1. CFOs: Braced for a Recession, But Hopeful
CFO are preserving cash in anticipation of rough times ahead. But they are also more optimistic about the domestic economy than they were three months ago.
2. Do You Need Charisma to Be a Great Public Speaker?
I recently worked with a newly minted CEO who, faced with an upcoming presentation, worried about his “lack of charisma.” This CEO may have lacked charisma, but he had a far more valuable skill: presence.
3. Upgrading the Engagement
The Big Four have developed impressive technology platforms and tools. Here’s how they might improve auditing.
4. Talent issues for African finance departments
Finance departments are being deeply affected by rapid advancements in technology such as artificial intelligence, data analytics, and machine learning the world over. At the same time, the widespread corporate focus on innovation and agility is forcing finance teams to fulfil a more dynamic, integrated, and strategic function within businesses.
5. 5 steps to a better performance review
A performance review is an opportunity to look forward as well as give constructive feedback. Here are five tips to improve the performance review process.
6. 6 elements of professional judgement
Knowledge and experience are of course essential for management accountants, but it is those with good professional judgement who are likely to be part of the management team.
7. 7 Behaviours for Boosting Change Readiness
Resistance to change is baked into our biology, but the ability to overcome it can be strengthened with the right regimen. When you change your mind, you change your habits. When you change your habits, you change your life.
8. We found 57 routes into the C-suite. If you're a problem-fixer, step right up.
A great job title. Excellent pay and benefits. Direct access to your chief executive. And a guaranteed seat at the table where the big decisions are made. We’re talking about the C-suite, the handful of top leadership positions where the formal title begins with “chief.” For anyone plotting a career at a big company, vaulting into this elite group of leaders can be the triumph of a lifetime.
9. What the “Best Companies to Work For” Do Differently
What makes a company culture great? To explore this question, my colleague, Bill Baker and I spent the last three years researching the best places to work in the United States. As a part of our work, we selected 21 organizations known for their lustrous cultures, including Patagonia, The Motley Fool, and Edmunds.com.
10. What Can We Actually Expect From AI in 2020?
FEI Daily spoke with Prophix president Alok Ajmera about the risks of failing to adopt artificial technology (AI) and the problems the technology can (and cannot) solve. FEI Daily: How will AI and machine learning change the office of finance in 2020?